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PBN components (machined in-house from molybdenum)

cathode insulator

cathode insulator

cathode insulator

cathode insulator

filament clamp

filament clamp

PBN Wire

CES produces a complete line of neutralizer components, which can be designed for either filament or hollow cathode assemblies.
Tight Specifications: We manufacture almost all pieces in-house with extremely tight specifications. The pieces not made in-house (filaments and some ceramics) are provided by our manufacturing partners and are inspected in-house.
Flexible Purchasing: We can supply all components individually, in complete application kits, or in custom kits designed to customer specifications.
Hollow Cathode

Various cathode insulators
Nozzle PBN extraction plates (available in molybdenum & titanium)

Tungsten Filament

Tungsten Filament
Filament clamps
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